Stephen Nesbitt

Group Finance Partner

Bachelor of Arts (Windsor, Canada)
Certificate of Accounting

Areas of Practice
Partnership Team
Leadership Team

Oh hay! It’s Stephen Nesbitt, making waves at Kearney Group since 2012.

Believe it or not, Steve started out in a casual filing gig, looking to earn some extra cash when he first moved to Australia. Little did we know that this temporary job would morph into a permanent position and only a year later, Steve would be leading the Group’s commercial bookkeeping team.

In recognition of his hard work and contributions, Steve was invited to become an equity partner in 2017.

Today, he heads up the firm’s internal finance functions and focuses on enhancing performance through execution, process redesign, efficiency projects, and leveraging emerging technologies.

Steve holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Certificate of Accounting.

Speak to the team.