Matt Englund

COO & Partner

Bachelor of Business (University Technology Sydney)
Graduate Diploma Financial Planning
Graduate (Australian Institute of Company Directors)

Areas of Practice
Partnership Team
Leadership Team

Say hi to Matt Englund – Kearney Group’s COO and an equity partner. Matt joined the senior leadership team in 2019, and helps to drive the ongoing development of our truly integrated advice model and the firm’s strategic growth plans.

With a knack for operational efficiency, Matt runs our internal Clarity and Accountability Programs – putting us all through our paces, challenging and inspiring us to push for excellence.

He’s also our resident strategy guru, spearheading our Ko-Lab Program which gives business owners the tools and advice they need to grow – sustainably and while keeping things in harmony at home. With decades of experience in big institutions, he knows a thing (or three) about the topic. And, after making a green change with his family, he also has lived experience effectively aligning personal and professional goals.

Matt comes to the table with one helluva CV – including key positions like Head of Workplace Super, Head of Practice Management and Managing Director of Securitor at BT Financial.

He holds a Bachelor of Business from University of Technology Sydney, a Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Speak to the team.