
Understanding Conditional and Unconditional Approval.

Conditional and unconditional approval home loan - Kearney Group Key Illustration
15 July 2023 Read time: 3 min
Expert Reviewer Rae Stagbouer

When it comes to obtaining a loan, understanding the key terms and conditions is crucial. Two important phrases you’re likely to encounter during the lending process are “conditional approval” and “unconditional approval.” In this article, we’ll explain the difference between conditional and unconditional approval and how they can impact your borrowing experience.


What is Conditional Approval?

Conditional approval is an initial stage in the loan application process where the lender reviews your financial information and documentation. It provides you with an indication of the lender’s willingness to approve your loan, but it is subject to certain conditions being met. These conditions usually relate to providing additional documentation, meeting specific criteria, or satisfying other requirements specified by the lender.

During the conditional approval phase, the lender assesses factors such as your credit history, income, employment stability, and overall financial position. They evaluate whether you meet their lending criteria and determine the maximum loan amount they are willing to offer you. It’s important to note that conditional approval is not a guarantee of final approval, as there are additional steps before the loan is fully approved.


The Importance of Conditional Approval.

Conditional approval is a valuable step in the loan application process. It allows you to assess your borrowing capacity and determine a realistic budget for your property search. It also demonstrates to real estate agents and sellers that you are a serious buyer, as you have taken the initial steps towards securing financing.

With conditional approval in hand, you can confidently make an offer on a property and negotiate with sellers. It puts you in a stronger position compared to other potential buyers who may not have obtained any form of loan pre-approval. However, keep in mind that conditional approval has an expiration date, typically ranging from 30 to 90 days. If your loan isn’t finalised within that time frame, you may need to reapply for approval.


Moving from Conditional to Unconditional Approval.

Once you’ve found a property and successfully negotiated the terms of purchase, the next step is to move from conditional to unconditional approval. This stage involves satisfying the remaining conditions set by the lender, such as providing property valuation reports, signed purchase contracts, and any other requested documents.

At this point, the lender conducts a thorough assessment of the property to ensure it meets their lending criteria. If all the conditions are met, your loan is granted unconditional approval. This means that the lender is fully committed to providing the funds for your purchase, and you can proceed confidently with the settlement process.

Unconditional approval is a significant milestone as it signifies that your loan is now secure, subject to the satisfactory completion of the property purchase. It is important to be aware that even with unconditional approval, you should continue to meet your financial obligations and avoid any significant changes to your financial circumstances before settlement.


In summary.

In the lending finance world, conditional approval is an initial step that allows you to assess your borrowing capacity and make informed decisions. Unconditional approval, on the other hand, provides the assurance that the lender is committed to funding your loan.

Understanding the difference between conditional and unconditional approval helps you better navigate the loan application process. It also helps you bid at auction more confidently.

Like all things finance – the devil is often in the details. As always, we recommend working with a mortgage broker who’s not beholden to any specific bank or lending institution.

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