
Market Update September 2022

Market Update July 2023 Watch the Webinar Illustration
13 September 2022 Read time: < 1 min

Our Market Update Series.

Kearney Group’s Market Update Series is an ongoing set of virtual webinars. We gather the brightest minds in finance, portfolio construction and investment management and beam them straight into your home.

In this Series, we unpack what’s happening in world markets and discuss current trends. We also share our investment philosophy and provide our outlook for the coming months.

Further, for conscious investors, we give special attention to the performance of the Ethos suite, including analysis and reporting on its current ESG position as well.


Market Update September 2022.

With the reporting season behind us and a level of market stability returning, together with our experts, we gather for our September 2022 Market Update.

Firstly, we reflect upon the year that has been; the highs, lows and surprises along the way. We then delve into current events and market responses, including the performance of Ethos Portfolios. Our experts chat philosophy, fund selection, opportunities and risks. And finally, they conclude with a market outlook and expectations for what lies ahead in 2022-23.

Don’t miss it. Our September Market Update has all you need to know.


Watch the Market Update September 2022 webinar.

Want to learn more? Keen to see our experts in action?

Now you can re-watch our webinars, at any time, from the comfort of your own home.

This Market Update was recorded on 8 September 2022.

Meet the experts.

David Wright - CEO of Zenith Investment Partners

David Wright

CEO of Zenith Investment Partners
B Com, GDipAppFinInv (SIA)

David is one of Australia’s most influential investment research thought leaders and an expert on all things investing.

He is co-founder and CEO of Zenith Investment Partners; Australia’s most trusted investment research firm.

David is Chair of the Ethos Investment Committee. He also chairs the ASX-listed Hearts & Minds Investments. Further, he is a member of the Qantas Superannuation Investment Committee and the Deakin University Financial Planning Advisory Board.

Anthony Doyle - Head of Investment Strategy, Firetrail Investments

Anthony Doyle

Head of Investment Strategy, Firetrail Investments
MBA (London), M Econ, B Com

Anthony has over 19 years’ experience in global markets. He is a highly regarded Economist and Investment Strategist.

Anthony’s role at Firetrail involves providing economic analysis. His work impacts portfolio decision-making and currency risk management, and also portfolio analysis and insights.

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